Daniel Chapman
PSYCH-K® Facilitator
& Well-being Mentor
PSYCH-K® is a process that allows you to quickly and easily identify and change subconscious beliefs that may be limiting your full potential in life.
PSYCH-K® is a simple and powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting or self-sabotaging into beliefs that are self-supporting, encouraging growth and development. The magic of PSYCH-K® is that it can be used for everyday struggles as well as life-changing ones.
Dan is a caring, kind, loving person that made me feel at ease right from the start of our sessions. He made me feel I could overcome anything with great ease, lasting results and gave me back the power of self belief. It felt like we were working together rather than being worked on. I would highly recommend Dan to anyone. I am ever so grateful that our paths have crossed and my life has been enriched because of it. Ever so grateful Dan, you're one of the best.
As a sufferer of anxiety, addiction and depression, I suffer with many obstacles due to pre-programmed beliefs and behaviours . After 2 sessions with Dan I can already feel myself challenging my old beliefs regarding self care and self confidence. I look forward to further PSYCH-K sessions with Dan who is professional and sensitive to my requirements. He is a gem.
Dan is a very warm and compassionate person who made me feel at ease and comfortable. His inner warmth and empathy radiates in his therapy and his interactions. Dan has helped me to embrace different perspectives with certain sub conscious beliefs and to retrain those feelings and beliefs to positive ones. You're a diamond Dan, thank you!
Dan really helped me. I have suffered with a shoulder problem for over a decade and when it flares up I cannot do the manual work I usually would. This persistent issue leads to becoming less able and the subconscious feeling useless. PSYCH-K made me conscious of how this shoulder problem affects my perception of my abilities and helped me get back to being as active as I can within my capabilties.
I am starting to feel at peace with a great stillness and spaciousness within. It is truly a wonderful feeling. I am not at war with myself or with addictions anymore as I have surrendered to what is. PSYCH-K is amazing. It has helped to heal me on the inside. Dan is very compassionate. Namaste.
I have had two sessions with Dan so far and I can honestly say that he brings so much into it; ie. positive energy, empathy, patience, to name just a few. Will definitely be booking another one in soon. Bless you Dan!